Our weekend went by so fast! Friday we spent our evening at Bass Pro Shop, of course. My husband is slightly obessed with that store so when he recieved an "invitation" to their double rewards points night, we had to go. It wasn't awful, we ended it with supper at the Texas Roadhouse. Which was yummy!
On Saturday Josh went fishing with two of our family members that were vactioning on Tybee. Caroline and I met them for lunch at the North Beach Grill. Mommy cooled off with a yummy Pina Colda!
Yesterday we attended church. We were even early! And we all looked nice! LOL It was a great service and the priest touched on "Do not let your hearts be troubled", Josh and I both agreed we both needed to hear that sermon yesterday. After church we had a late breakfast at Sunrise. I took these sweet pictures of Caroline after church in her smocked dress. She is the sweetest thing!